Why We Serve

Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received.
1 Peter 4:10 (NRSV)

Serving is just one of the ways we can express our love and thanks for all the things God has done for us and it is a great way to meet people and become connected with others who share your same interests. Serving will also make your church feel like a place you belong, a part of a family. And finally, by serving, we often find ourselves changing to become more Christ-like. If you have a heart for God and a willingness to serve in any of our ministries we would love to get you involved!

Render service with enthusiasm, as to the Lord and not to men and women.
Ephesians 6:7 (NRSV)

How can you serve through Saint Paul’s?  Following are just some of the many places and many ways you can respond to God through service in the life of our church (listed in alphabetical order).  If you do not see something that speaks to you, or would like to pursue a different ministry opportunity, we encourage to speak to one of our Pastors, who will be glad to help you find just the right place for you to “plug in” and serve.

Click on an underlined name to email that individual


Acolyte Coordinators help children serving as acolytes for morning worship with their robes and items to carry. They serve as the encouraging adult who gets them ready to process into worship on time and with confidence. Young acolytes may also assist the clergy team during Holy Communion and other special services. The acolyte coordinators train children for these special duties, and build a schedule with families to insure that this important ministry is filled. Contact: Leslie Scott.


The Altar Guild oversees the set-up of the altar area for the Sunday services and other special services. They schedule flowers, coordinate linens, and make sure that everything is both beautifully appointed and in its correct place. Contact: Donna Peacock.


Our Audio Visual Team assists with digital and communication tools, both during worship and in ongoing church programs. They make sure microphones are on when needed, videos launch on command and slides spring to the screen. Each year, we grow more involved with electronic communications and more appreciative of the team at Saint Paul’s that makes the magic happen. Associated with the Technology Lay Team. Contact: Gary Eggebraaten.


Communion Servers assist clergy at the altar and the altar rail in serving the bread and grape juice during Holy Communion. They may serve once monthly in the worship services,  or occasionally as opportunity arises. Contact: Dora Thomas.


Communion Stewards are a team who take responsibility for preparing the communion elements for all of our worship services. There are few meetings, but rather shared responsibilities to purchase, prepare and clean up the bread and grape juice for the 8:30 a.m. service on a weekly basis and 11:00 a.m. morning worship service monthly. On the occasional Saturdays that there are weddings in the evening, a steward or two would need to come late on Saturday or early Sunday morning to prepare the altar table. Associated with the Altar Guild. Contact: Dora Thomas.


Confirmation Classes are taught yearly by a Clergy person. The Confirmands, those who have expressed a desire to become a member, are usually seventh graders who attend the classes to become familiar with United Methodist theology, sacraments within the Church and the meaning of our liturgy. Caring adults assist with teaching, praying and chaperoning the final retreat. This is a wonderful opportunity to mentor and engage our youth at a pivotal time in their spiritual journey. Contact: Youth directors.


Counters for Collections, Tithing and Other Offerings count and record all collection plate offerings, pledges and other monetary amounts for deposit in the Saint Paul’s bank account.  Each Monday, designated counters meet in the Saint Paul’s office to perform this vital job.  The meticulous handling of these offerings is critical to the ministry of our church. Associated with the Finance Committee. Contact our church office- 850-385-5146.


eXtreme eXplorers is a week of eXtreme fun! One week every summer we head out to explore the fun in Tallahassee with our older kids, 3rd-6th graders. Adult chaperones are needed to socialize and hang out with these pre-teens, preferably those with expertise in swimming and loaded with lots of energy! Contact: Leslie Scott.


The Facilities Maintenance Crew lend their time and expertise to keep our buildings and facilities looking good and in top working condition. This group of handymen and women as well as skilled workers can help in plumbing, painting, carpentry, and landscaping either as a one time project or on an on-going basis. Associated with Trustees. Contact: Jonathan Leach.


Flower Arrangers and Delivery Drivers share joy. Flower arrangements from Sunday worship, weddings or other events are broken down into smaller floral arrangements that are delivered to those who are homebound or in the hospital. These simple gifts of cheer and beauty are a much-appreciated reminder that Saint Paul’s continues to nurture its members even when they are unable to attend church. Associated with the Altar Guild. Contact: Donna Peacock.


Golf Cart Drivers are the friendly, patient and helpful drivers who transport people in need of a “lift” from their car or other designated area to their worship destination. Associated with the Transportation Committee. Contact the church office 850-385-5146.


Lay Scripture Readers are lay persons who read the scripture in worship services. Their participation is significant, showing that the Word of God is to be shared among every worshipper, and is not just the sole province of the clergy. Contact: Gaye Herndon.


Lay Servants are trained volunteers who serve in multiple ministry areas. Teaching, serving, training, leading, participating, caring, loving and communicating are integral parts of this role. Lay Servants can also provide “pulpit supply” and are trained to minister to the church through preaching. Specific training requirements are involved. Contact: Nick Quinton.


Our Missions programs develop deeply committed Christians by sending members of our congregation into our community, denomination and world to make disciples and serve others in ways that honor God, share Christ, transform lives and promote justice. Here at Saint Paul’s, we take our name seriously.  Saint Paul was the first missionary, and we are working to become a church worthy of his name. For that reason, we take missions seriously. When Saint Paul’s was formed in 1952, Bishop Branscomb challenged the congregation when he said: “Never lose your missionary zeal; when you do change your name!” We have a number ways we do this. But first and foremost, we believe that all of us are called to the mission field. Our goal is to have each and every member to have a hands on missions experience every year. We believe every person should participate in a mission project during their lifetime. We are working to make sure that our missions work as a church is not merely about providing funds, but also involves us being the hands and feet of Jesus.How can you get your hands into missions?  Watch for announcements in the bulletin and newsletter and look for a missions event that fits your schedule and your abilities. Contact: David Gill.


Music Ministry sets the tone for each worship service. From vocal choirs, hand bells, or jazz ensembles, to instrumentals, and from Bach to U2 — Saint Paul’s embraces music. There is a place for everyone who appreciates music and enjoys making a “joyful noise.” Contact: Cynthia Prescott or Gaye Herndon for worship service music.


Nursery Volunteers help hold the babies on Sunday mornings and during monthly MOPS meetings when the nursery is overflowing! Do you like to read a book or talk to the little ones? They are the first to come and the last to go in our church… please volunteer with our Nursery Coordinator. Contact- Beth Wilde.


Office Volunteers provide invaluable office help by answering the phones, editing and proofing publications, preparing those publications for mailing, stuffing and labeling envelopes, keeping reservation and sign-up lists, photocopying and various other office duties. Their friendly voices and helpful advice are available every day the Office is open. Contact: Linda Fletcher.


Pew Packers go to work before the Sunday services, checking every pew for Prayer Cards, pencils, tithing envelopes, hymnals, Bibles and program materials. They make certain that all printed material and accessories are in place for worship. Contact: Linda Fletcher.


Sunday School Teachers and Substitutes provide the backbone of Saint Paul’s Christian Education program. Sunday School Teachers are regular folks who share their lives, gifts and time with a small group who gather together each week. Saint Paul’s has classes of all ages and provides teachers with an easy- to-follow curriculum and classroom materials. As a teacher, you can teach one week, a few times or a whole year. Most Sunday School teachers will tell you that they themselves become the clear beneficiary of the experience.

Contact for children: Leslie Scott

Contact for youth: Casey Fernandez

Contact for adults: Nick Quinton


Intercessory Prayer Group is a group that meets every Wednesday morning at 8:00 a.m. to offer intercessory prayer for any requests from the congregation. The requests come to the group through worship services, through the Prayer Cards, or though individual knowledge of those in need of prayer. When appropriate, the group sends a much-appreciated card that lets people know when prayers are being said on their behalf. Contact: Rev. MaryAnn Piccioni


Ushers welcome people to worship, distribute bulletins, assist those with physical needs to their seats, collect offering, coordinate at Holy Communion and take worship attendance. This is a wonderful ministry for a friendly person who can put others at ease. Contact: Jim Geiger.


Vacation Bible School is a vibrant and totally enjoyable half-day program held during one week each summer. Children from nursery age through high school participate. The Saint Paul’s fellowship hall and classrooms are transformed into rotating venues of music, crafts, costumes, skits, science and Bible stories. There is a themed curriculum each year that ties the activities together. Contact: Leslie Scott.


Our Visitation Team visits Saint Paul’s shut-ins who are unable to attend regular worship services. They provide Holy Communion when requested, offer prayers and words of encouragement, plus provide valuable contact with these persons who have limited access to others. Through simple conversation and basic sharing of faith, the visits let shut-ins know they are still a valued part of Saint Paul’s community of faith. Contact: Rev. MaryAnn Piccioni