The Adult Choir

Saint Paul’s Chancel Covenant Choir leads the music in our traditional 11:00 service each week. The word “family” is significant, as our adult choir members truly provide a vital support system for one another — we truly are a large “small group.” The choir provides music every Sunday as well as present cantatas at Christmas and Easter, and invites those who are not able to make a year-round commitment to the choir to join for these special musical presentations. This choir, under the direction of Cynthia Prescott, rehearses on Tuesday evenings, 6:15 – 7:15 p.m., in the Choir Room (lower level of the Sanctuary building). You do not need to read music, or have any musical training, to join the choir! Everyone is welcome! For more information about the adult choirs, contact Cynthia Prescott at

Se’lah Ensemble

Se’lah is a group of adult singers who enjoy coming together to make music. Se’lah sings a wide range of music, including folk and contemporary, multicultural, and more traditional pieces. The group participates throughout the year in Saint Paul’s worship services, visits other churches to lead in worship, and presents concerts from time to time. In addition to singing, Se’lah has a history of taking to the mission field. Every few years, the group identifies a mission project to take on; previous trips have taken the group to other states and even outside the United States. Se’lah is directed by Cynthia Prescott, and rehearses on Tuesday evenings, 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. For more information contact

Youth Choir

Saint Paul’s Youth Choir meets Wednesday evenings from 7:00-7:45 in the choir room. The Youth choir works on fun, beautiful, and meaningful new music to glorify our Lord and minister to our congregation during the worship services. It is open to all Youth in Grades 6-12. Our youth choir director is Mrs. Gaye Herndon. Contact Gaye at for more information.

Handbell Choir

Saint Paul’s Handbell Choir meets Sunday evenings from 6:00-7:00 in the Sanctuary. Basic note and rhythm reading skills are necessary requirements for this group. The choir rehearses from September-May and rings during worship many times throughout the year. This group plays a variety of music from hymn tunes to original pieces. Our Handbell Choir is directed by Gaye Herndon. Contact Gaye at for more information.

Kids@Art Choir
(Children’s choir)

Our children’s worship arts-based program meets on Wednesday evenings from 6:00-7:00, immediately following Wednesday Night Dinners. All children, grades K-5, are invited to join us for Children’s Choir, instrument playing, drama, sacred dance, movement, visual arts, and more. Kids@Art meets from August-May. Please contact Stephany Nystrand at for more information.

The Gate Band

The Gate Band presents a variety of music, including contemporary Christian songs (as is typical to Christian hit radio), restyled classic hymns, praise songs, occasional bluegrass, and other appropriate musical styles. The Band leads worship periodically in the 8:30am service, and participates in other services and events throughout the year. The typical makeup of the Band includes acoustic and/or electric guitar, bass, keyboard, drums, violin, banjo, and several vocalists. The members of the Band cover a wide age range, from young adult to senior citizen. The Gate Band rehearses most weeks through the year (schedule varies). Contact Gaye Herndon for additional information at

Instrumental Music

Saint Paul’s is blessed to have a number of members with special talents on various instruments. We use these talents periodically to enhance our worship experiences. If you are interested in using your instrumental abilities in this way, please contact Cynthia Prescott, or Gaye Herndon.