Saint Paul’s United Methodist Church Children's Ministries Photo and Liability Release
Release: If my child should become ill or injured at Saint Paul’s UMC, I understand that the facility will (1) call 911 should the problem be deemed an emergency and (2) contact me immediately or designated emergency contact. Should the facility be unable to reach the emergency contact person, or me, they are authorized to contact my child’s physician and/or arrange for immediate emergency treatment. I will accept full responsibility for payment of all medical services rendered. I do hereby release, forever discharge and agree to hold harmless Saint Paul’s United Methodist church and its directors thereof from any liability, claims or demands for personal injury, sickness or death, as well as property damage or expenses, of any nature whatsoever which may be incurred by the undersigned and the participant that occur while said person is participating in the Summer Programs of Saint Paul’s United Methodist Church, including recreation and work activities. The undersigned further hereby agrees to hold harmless and indemnify said church, its directors, employees and agents for any liability sustained by said acts of said participant, including expenses incurred attendant thereto. The undersigned further consents to the administration of first aid and or doctor’s care, or any form of medical treatment necessitated by illness or injury that may require the same. In the event of the necessity of such care or treatment as hereto described, the undersigned agrees to hold harmless and indemnify said church, its directors, employees and agents from any acts of malfeasance, and/or failure to act on the part of those chosen to administer medical care on behalf of the participant.
By registering for any SPUMC event/group, the participant is giving permission for the participant’s photo to be used in SPUMC publications, print and online, unless SPUMC is given a written request to the contrary. Photographs will be taken of the kids having fun during Vacation Bible School and will be posted for families. Names will not be added to the photos. I give permission for Saint Paul’s United Methodist Church to use my child/youth’s image on the church website, church directory, church posters or any and all media for church purposes.